Laneway Suite By-Law Guide

This visual guide was created to simplify the task of analyzing by-law requirements for a new project and its unique context. This guide is meant to serve as a tool to be applied to the site, so that we can begin understanding what kind of setbacks and boundaries will apply to a potential Laneway Suite. This guide works best in combination with a survey of your property.

Fire Department Access

A minimum path of travel width of 0.9m and height of 2.1m is required on your property between the public street and the laneway suite
*the path of travel may encroach on your neighbour’s property if applicable via a Limited Distance Agreement (see by-law page︎︎︎)

A maximum distance of 45m is allowed from the public street to the entry of the laneway house*the maximum distance may be increased to 90m from the public street or a flanking street through the laneway to the entry of the laneway suite if additional fire safety measures are implemented (see by-law page︎︎︎)

Minimum Separation

If the height of the laneway suite is less than 4m, the minimum required separation is 5m
If the height of the laneway suite is more than 4m, the minimum required separation is 7.5m

Rear Yard Setback

If the rear lot line does not abut a lane and there are no openings in the rear wall, the minimum required setback is 0m
If the rear lot line abuts a lane, the minimum required setback is 1.5m

Side Yard Setback

If the side lot line does not abut a lane and there are no openings in the side wall, the minimum required setback is 0m
If the side lot line abuts a lane, the minimum required setback is 1.5m

Maximum Footprint

The laneway suite must not exceed 10m in length and 8m in width

Maximum Height

The laneway suite must not exceed 6m in height and must not exceed 2 storeys

Maximum Coverage

The laneway suite must not cover more area than the primary residence and must not cover more area than 30% of the lot

Soft Landscaping Requirement

If the lot frontage is less than 6m, the minimum required soft landscaping is 60%
If the lot frontage is more than 6m, the minimum required soft landscaping is 85%

Front Angular Plane

The front wall of the laneway suite may not penetrate a 45 degree plane starting from a 7.5m horizontal distance from the primary residence and a 4m vertical distance from the ground

Dormer Exception

The rear angular plane may not apply to a dormer if the width of its penetration into the plane does not exceed 30% of the width of the laneway suite

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